Apa itu Ruqyah ?
Ruqyah (dengan huruf ra’ di dhammah) adalah yaitu bacaan untuk pengobatan syar’i (berdasarkan riwayat yang shahih atau sesuai ketentuan ketentuan yang telah disepakati oleh para ulama) untuk melindungi diri dan untuk mengobati orang sakit. Bacaan ruqyah berupa ayat ayat al-Qur’an dan doa doa yang telah diajarkan oleh Rasulullah shallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam.
Tidak diragukan lagi, bahwa penyembuhan dengan Al-Qur’an dan dengan apa yang diajarkan oleh Nabi shallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam berupa ruqyah merupakan penyembuhan yang bermanfaat sekaligus penawar yang sempurna bagi penyakit hati dan fisik dan bagi penyakit dunia dan akhirat. Bagaimana mungkin penyakit itu mampu melawan firman-firman Rabb bumi dan langit yang jika firman-firman itu turun ke gunung makai ia akan memporakporandakan gunung gunung. Oleh karena itu tidak ada satu penyakit hati maupun penyakit fisik melainkan ada penyembuhnya.
Allah berfirman, “Katakanlah, ‘AlQur’an itu adalah petunjuk dan penawar bagi orang orang yang beriman.’” (Qs. Fushilat: 44) *sumber .
*buat teman-teman muslim yang membutuhkan ruqyah,tiada salahnya untuk menerapi diri sendiri,seandai merasa adanya "gangguan mahluk gelap/negatif " itu dahsyat.silahkan datang ke para Peruqyah. berdasarkan pengalaman pribadi penulis, Subhanallah...Maha Suci Allah SWT . sungguh luar biasa manfaat ayat-ayat Ruqyah ini. klik->
What is Ruqyah?
Ruqyah (with the letter ra 'in dhammah) are the readings for the treatment syar'i (based on history that is authentic or pursuant to the provisions agreed upon by the scholars) to protect themselves and to treat the sick. Reading ruqyah form of verse verses of the Koran and prayer prayer has been taught by the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam.
No doubt, that the healing by the Qur'an and with what is taught by the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam ruqyah form is a useful healing as well as the perfect antidote for liver disease and for disease and physical world and the hereafter. How could the disease be able to resist the words of Lord of earth and sky that if the words had come down the mountain he will be devastated mountain wearing a mountain. Therefore there is no single liver disease or physical illness but no cure.
Allah says, "Say, 'Koran it is a guide and antidote to those who believe.'" (Surah Fushilat: 44) * source.
* for my friends who need ruqyah Muslims, there is no harm to therapy of your self,then when u're to feel the existence of "dark creatures interference / negative"so strong .please, comes to the Peruqyah. based on the author's personal experience, Subhanallah ... Glory to Allah SWT. incredible benefits of this Ruqyah verses. click->
Ruqyah (with the letter ra 'in dhammah) are the readings for the treatment syar'i (based on history that is authentic or pursuant to the provisions agreed upon by the scholars) to protect themselves and to treat the sick. Reading ruqyah form of verse verses of the Koran and prayer prayer has been taught by the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam.
No doubt, that the healing by the Qur'an and with what is taught by the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam ruqyah form is a useful healing as well as the perfect antidote for liver disease and for disease and physical world and the hereafter. How could the disease be able to resist the words of Lord of earth and sky that if the words had come down the mountain he will be devastated mountain wearing a mountain. Therefore there is no single liver disease or physical illness but no cure.
Allah says, "Say, 'Koran it is a guide and antidote to those who believe.'" (Surah Fushilat: 44) * source.
* for my friends who need ruqyah Muslims, there is no harm to therapy of your self,then when u're to feel the existence of "dark creatures interference / negative"so strong .please, comes to the Peruqyah. based on the author's personal experience, Subhanallah ... Glory to Allah SWT. incredible benefits of this Ruqyah verses. click->