Sang Penyembuh/Penerapi Reiki
Be Reiki Healer
Setelah aku dan temanku di Attunment energi reiki yang di selenggarakan di gedung kompas di palmerah oleh DR Rico Rahardian. mulailah kami berdua merasa menjadi manusia super :) * imagine it. hanya dengan menempelkan kedua telapak tangan, dengan sendirinya semua penyakit bisa tersembuhkan. aku dan temanku mulailah tebar pesona alias tebar pengobatan gratisan. konon, menurut literarur reiki, semakin kita sering menyembuhkan seseorang,maka energi reiki kita semakin membesar . akibatnya... dahsyat. Qta menjadi terkenal meski kita mengobati pasien hanya dengan pelatihan reiki Tingkat I *nekad ya. hehehehe. namun, karena ketenaran kita malah privacy kita semakin terganggu. bayangkan, para pasien terkadang menelpon tanpa memandang waktu. ada yang tengah malam bahkan ada yang jam 4 dinihari/subuh. well.. bukan kita tidak mau bantu,but..kita berdua juga manusia. need a rest too :)
satu persatu,pasien demi pasien kita sembayangi dan silaturahmi. jujur, godaaan yang berat untuk kit adalah ......"Wanita " ! yupz. kebanyakan psien kita adalah kaum hawa/wanita dari kalangan executive. dan 70 % adalah wanita chinese . *OOuugghhh !! biasanya dari para pekerja kantoran dengan posisi jabatan middle up managements. tidak aneh memang, mengingat mereka inilah yang banyak mengupdate tentang gaya hidup termasuk pola hidup sehat.
Umumnya juga mereka tidak segan untuk mengelurkan biaya untuk sesi terapi. waktu itu kami sempat kecolongan, setelah kami terapi,biasanya kami langsung pergi. kami berdua punya prinsip,bahwa "kekuatan" yang kami miliki adalah anugerah dari Tuhan YME. so, untuk apa kita memungut biaya/hidup dari pekerjaan begini. selain kami berdua masih muda juga...cerdas! heheheh8x.
Kembali ke kecolongan.. setelah kami terapi, dimana sebelum terapi aku dan temanku melepas sweater (model sweater baseball/ rapper gitu deh ) di tas ransel . ternyata sang pasien telah menyuruh anak buahnya untuk menaruh amplop di sweater kami tanpa sepengetahuan kami.
pas kita berdua sudah sampai rumah, dan ternyata ada amplop dengan nama wanita tersebut. jumlahnya... hm.. Rp. 250 rb/amplop.
kebetulan,setiap hari senin master kami membuka praktek di gedung kompas. Palmerah.Jakarta dan ketika kami berbagi cerita dengan teman-teman di sana . ternyata harga sebuah terapi reiki di jakarta adalah berkisar Rp. 100.000 - 350.000,-
setelah berkujung ke ustad kami dan mmeinta masukan dari sana sini. mengenai ketidaknyamanan kami atas pemberian"uang" dari para pasien. akhirnya kami mengeluarkan dekrit *alah.....presiden kali. alias pernyataan kepada setiap pasien yang ingin kami terapi , yakni apabila ingin memberikan kami uang,alangkah baiknya di berikan kepada rumah ibadah atau anak yatim piatu yang berada di sekitar rumah yang bersangkutan.
The Healer / Reiki Therapist
After I and my friends in Attunment reiki energy which was held in the building compass in Palmerah by DR Rico Rahardian. we both began to feel like a super man:) * imagine it. simply by attaching both hands, by itself all diseases can be healed. I and my friends start stocking stocking charm alias free treatment. it is said, according to literarur reiki, the more we often heal someone, the reiki energy we're getting bigger. Consequently ... awesome. both of us be famous even if we treat patients only with Reiki Training Level I * foolish yes. hehehehe. however, because of our fame our privacy even more disturbed. imagine, the patients sometimes call regardless of time. there is a middle of the night and some even at 4 early morning / dawn. well .. instead we do not want to help, but .. we both are human too. need a rest too:) one by one, patient by patient we sembayangi and Hospitality. honest, godaaan heavy for the kit is ......" Female "! yupz. mostly we are the weaker sex psien / women from the executive. usually of office workers with middle-ups managements positions. not strange indeed, considering that these are to much to update about lifestyle including a healthy lifestyle.
Generally, they also do not hesitate to mengelurkan fee for therapy sessions. that time we had missed, after our therapy, we usually go straight. we both have a principle, that the "strength" that we have is a gift from God Almighty. so, what do we charge fees / living from this job. besides we're both still young too ... and smart! LOL :)
Back to missed .. after our treatment, where before therapy and I took off my sweater (sweater model baseball / rapper so deh) in a backpack. turns out the patient had told his subordinates to put the envelope in our sweaters without our knowledge. fit both of us had reached the house, and there was an envelope with the name of the woman. numbers ... hm .. IDR Rp. 250 rb / envelope.(about 10 -30 USD)
Incidentally, every Monday we opened the practice in the master compass building. Palmerah.Jakarta and when we share stories with friends there. turns out the price of a reiki therapy in Jakarta is around Rp. 100000-350000, -
after visited to our cleric and asked input from here and there. about our discomfort for the provision of "money" from the patient. we finally issued a presidential decree * n:). alias statement to every patient who wanted us to therapy, ie, if you want to give us money, it would be nice in a house of worship or to give to orphans around the house in question.
After I and my friends in Attunment reiki energy which was held in the building compass in Palmerah by DR Rico Rahardian. we both began to feel like a super man:) * imagine it. simply by attaching both hands, by itself all diseases can be healed. I and my friends start stocking stocking charm alias free treatment. it is said, according to literarur reiki, the more we often heal someone, the reiki energy we're getting bigger. Consequently ... awesome. both of us be famous even if we treat patients only with Reiki Training Level I * foolish yes. hehehehe. however, because of our fame our privacy even more disturbed. imagine, the patients sometimes call regardless of time. there is a middle of the night and some even at 4 early morning / dawn. well .. instead we do not want to help, but .. we both are human too. need a rest too:) one by one, patient by patient we sembayangi and Hospitality. honest, godaaan heavy for the kit is ......" Female "! yupz. mostly we are the weaker sex psien / women from the executive. usually of office workers with middle-ups managements positions. not strange indeed, considering that these are to much to update about lifestyle including a healthy lifestyle.
Generally, they also do not hesitate to mengelurkan fee for therapy sessions. that time we had missed, after our therapy, we usually go straight. we both have a principle, that the "strength" that we have is a gift from God Almighty. so, what do we charge fees / living from this job. besides we're both still young too ... and smart! LOL :)
Back to missed .. after our treatment, where before therapy and I took off my sweater (sweater model baseball / rapper so deh) in a backpack. turns out the patient had told his subordinates to put the envelope in our sweaters without our knowledge. fit both of us had reached the house, and there was an envelope with the name of the woman. numbers ... hm .. IDR Rp. 250 rb / envelope.(about 10 -30 USD)
Incidentally, every Monday we opened the practice in the master compass building. Palmerah.Jakarta and when we share stories with friends there. turns out the price of a reiki therapy in Jakarta is around Rp. 100000-350000, -
after visited to our cleric and asked input from here and there. about our discomfort for the provision of "money" from the patient. we finally issued a presidential decree * n:). alias statement to every patient who wanted us to therapy, ie, if you want to give us money, it would be nice in a house of worship or to give to orphans around the house in question.
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